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Musical Breed – Save The Little Children – Dig This Way Records] , , , ,


4 in stock

Product ID: 11482 SKU: DTW004. Categories: , , , , . Tags: , , .

A1: Save The Little Children
A2: Save The Little Children Dub
A3: Let’s Chase Them

B1: Gamble Woman
B2: Gamble Woman Dub
B3: If I’m To Rule The World

© DIG THIS WAY RECORDS is happy and proud to announce his 4th official release , a deep Nigerian late 80’s Digi-Roots Reggae LP called Musical Breed – Save The Little Children.

The album was originally released in Nigeria by Tabansi Records and recorded at Afrodisia/Decca studio in Lagos. The Lp never really saw a commerical issue and was probably pressed in very few promotional copies for Radios and Djs making the original nearly impossible to be found nowdays. Musically it comes with some dope , slow and one-a-way digital roots riddims filled with mad synths , deep conscious lyrics and a deep bassline, it’s quite unique as the 2 main track comes with a raw Dub which is very hard to be found on any other African Reggae albums , the last track call “If I’m To Rule The World” is a very interesting blend of Reggae and Boogie. We have been working together with the lead singer of the band , Sharon Escco Wilson to finally make the album avaible worldwide , the cover have been fully restored and the Audio remastered , in the LP we’ll add an insert with Lyrics , original pictures from back in the days (and a few new ones) , a newspaper article from 1990 and an extensive interview by Sharon Escco Wilson.


Views: 9

Weight 225 g
Dimensions 32 × 32 × ,3 cm

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