Out Now! Sufi Dub -Delmighty Sounds – Youth & Truth Music – Artwork by Griet Vingerhoets 4 June 2019 – Posted in: news

Out Now! Sufi Dub -Delmighty Sounds – Youth & Truth Music!
Five years we had to wait for the second release on Youth & Truth Music label but here it is.
Sufi Dub, produced by Delmighty Sounds from Lisbon, Portugal.
Long time played in the dance by many Sounds and now finally available on vinyl!
500 limited press in a handprinted sleeve and label. The artwork was made by Griet Vingerhoets.
You will probably remember the artwork Griet made for I-Topia 2 years ago? She delivered us the drawing on paper but this is a picture of the original work:

Check out the Delmighty Sounds Website and Soundcloud.

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