See you in 2021! 31 December 2020 – Posted in: Geen categorie

Byebye 2020!!! Hope everyone is feeling fine and hope we can meet again soon.
What a strange year it was. No musical sessions, concerts, gatherings but clearly Music will always bring you joy & comfort. Lots of new releases and projects saw daylight in 2020. There is no stopping the Music!

For the T-shirt designs there was only one release this year. The Monkey Bassman from Jata. Big Up for this nice design!
Hopefully we can continue promoting Music, Art & Fair Clothing again in 2021.

Big thanks to all who kept the I-Topia project alive in this year of restrictions and limitations.
We feel the Support & Love! ❤️💛💚

Wishing you all More Love, Music & Art in 2021!

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